AUATON – Nigerian e-hailing Drivers Union Gets New name

The Amalgamated Union of App-based Transporters of Nigeria (AUATON), drivers for ride-hailing apps like Bolt, Uber, and InDrive united under a new union now have a new name.

Once referred to as the Amalgamated Union of App-based Transport Workers of Nigeria (AUATWON), the union had a narrower focus and included all transporters.

General Secretary Comrade Ibrahim Ayoade. Ayoade, following the approval of AUATON, noted that the struggle to become a government-recognized trade union began way back in 2016, and he was pleased to see all their efforts crowned with success.

The previous name is broader and covers a wider range of workers than the new one, which is more specific and just for transporters.

The certificate will empower the organization to operate as a trade union, looking out for the welfare of e-hailing drivers in the country.


AUATON is an amalgamation of three previously existing organisations coming together into one block to fight for the betterment of Nigerian app-based drivers. The three amalgamating blocs include the National Union of Professional App-based Transport Workers (NUPA-BTW), the Professional E-hailing Drivers and Private Owners Association of Nigeria (PEDPAN) and the National Coalition of Ride-Sharing Partners (NACORP).

Digivation Network

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