( Digital life digital opportunity)
We are about digital Solution, Awareness, and digital skills to reduce unemployment and help our studentshttps://it.medadvice.net/ compete globally.
Solving Africa’s unemployment crisis through digital skills and multimedia technology
Nigeria remains africas most populous nation and world most populous black nation. Reason many aare concerned about the poor unemployment rate in Nigeria threatning the stability of the continent. Nigeria’s economy is bleeding and leaving little opportunities for millions of job seekers to earn a living amidst a growing youthful population of graduates. This to many is a time bomb for the continent. As at Q3 2018, the number of unemployed people in Nigeria was put at 9.7 million. As you may know this figure is more than the entire population of some African and European countries. The research also state that about 35 percent of the 9.7million are completely unproductive or did absolutely nothing.
A detailed look at the unemployment numbers is even more daunting. Out of those 9.7 million people, 3.1 million or 32percent have been unproductive for more than 3 years. According to the Nigeria Bureau of Statistics unemployment rate was reported at 23.132 percent as of September 2018 and is projected to hit 33.5 percent by 2020 a burden made clearer with the over 500,000 Nigerian graduates from various higher institutions every year.
This is the reason DIGIVATION ACADEMY in partnership with local and international institutionswww.es.medadvice.net/clerel-skin/ and well skilled personel is committed to reducing this waiting bomb to a bearest minimum.
Our programme are designed in such a way that participants leave with ready skills to thrive in the workplace and offer value to their potential employers or set up enterprises to employ others.
“We give them an hands on learning experience to get them prepared for new approaches to unlock tremendousгде найти работу opportunities in digital economy amid growing unemployment in Africa.
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